Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Help me to understand...

I need help trying to make sense of something....what could possibly drive a mother to cause the death of her child? In the past few years, I have seen an increasing number of news stories about this- mother drives her car, with her kids in it, into a river or lake, killing all...mother poisons her children then herself... But I have also seen fathers who have killed their entire family, wife and kids, then sometimes herself. My mind just can not wrap itself around this. I suppose it upsets me more when it's the mother, as opposed to the father...simply because she carried that child within her for nine months, and went through childbirth to give it life. Seems like that bond would be stronger. (I'm in no way discounting a father's bond)

Honestly, I'm always surprised and hurt to hear of any abuse towards children...whether it be physical or emotional... but MURDER? Although the fact that I am still capable of being surprised is somewhat extraordinary, considering the abuse I was dealt as a child and teenager. But.......MURDER? And suicide? What could possibly be more selfish and cowardly? As a parent, if you want to die, fine, you're selfish as hell...but don't kill your child(ren) as well. Why should an innocent child lose his or her life because you are too cowardly to overcome whatever obstacles have been thrown your way? Life can be hard as hell, and sometimes it seems like too much to bear, I understand that. But when you make the decision to bring a life into the world, you take on responsibility for that life. Forever, and beyond. If you can't handle it, find someone else who can. There are so many people unable to have children, who would jump through hoops for the opportunity to love and care for a child...why deny your child a chance to live and become the amazing person they were born to be? Simply because you are selfish enough to believe that the life God gave you is worth nothing, and that you have the right to throw it away?!? Selfish enough to believe that only your feelings matter? What about the people left behind...children, parents, family and friends....everyone is important in someone's life, whether they realize it or not. Suicide is an act of cowardice and pride...too scared to live and to proud to ask for help.

I am unafraid to ask for help; at this point in my life I have learned that it doesn't make me weak, it shows my inner strength and myself, my God, and in those I choose to include in my life. me to understand this, my friends...


1 comment:

  1. The world has flipped upside down in a lot of ways and it never ceases to amaze me how evil some people can be. It's sad how people can take their anger or whatever is lacking in their soul out on a child, especially their own.

    For a mother to do it society deems it to be much worse because women aren't perceived to be violent as men. Men are the ones who create wars after all and women are generally seen as more peaceful (excluding anything you might see on a reality show, Springer or Maury that is). The bond you described between mother and child SHOULD be much deeper but I've known several people who've had deeply adversarial relationships with their mothers from way back.

    I don't have any children of my own but I'm sure that the relationship I'll have will be a loving one. There's no way I could ever see where I'd be anything but protective of my kids.

    For those that are unable to be that way, Lord knows what can be done with them. Just hope that we can find a way as a society to protect their children from them before its too late.
