Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Has social media killed your social life?

We all love social media, myself included. Twitter, facebook, tumblr, skype, oovoo, liveprofile, etc etc. We behave as if we couldn't live without technology...text, email, BBM, IM. Yes, it saves time, but the result is that people don't actually TALK anymore. When you hear someone's voice, you also hear tone and inflection. Very important factors in determining emotion, intent, and honesty. Especially when a face-to-face conversation is not possible. You also may only be getting the person's 'representative', because it's easy to hind behind a computer or cell phone screen. Words are just that...words...nothing can replace personal interaction. We think we really KNOW people from twitter or facebook! People we have never met, or spoken to over the phone. Our generation is losing out and in danger of becoming unable to deal with people on a direct, intimate level. Young adults think nothing of texting while in the middle of a conversation, or even while working directly with a customer. I was raised that it's disrespectful not to give the person in front of you your full attention, and that if you need to take a call, check a text, email or whatever, you should excuse yourself. I am guilty of this from time to time as well, I can't even lie.What I also know is that I have been involved with men who REFUSED to talk on the phone, "I hate the phone" "texting is easier" "bbm is faster" BLAH BLAH BLAH. Perfect example...he travelled a lot for work, but didn't like to talk on the phone. Well sir, if I haven't seen you for two weeks, I need to hear your voice. A text just doesn't cut it. I love to text, I really's quick, easy, and allows you to multitask better. But beware the person who NEVER calls...he/she is hiding something, intentionally or not. Or he/she lacks important communications skills. Either way, it's a red flag which causes me to throw in the towel.

Be well, friends. Hope to talk to you soon ;)

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