Monday, November 1, 2010


All my life people have been telling me how strong I am. Friends, lovers, ex-lovers, relatives, etc. usually it is around the time said person is breaking my heart, hurting me, betraying me, cheating on me, not being there for me or supporting me, or any other type of thing that precludes me having a reason to 'be strong'.

Yes, I am a strong woman. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I can, have and will survive whatever life throws at me. Does this mean I can never let go and be weak? That I can never lean on someone else for a bit? Do I really have to always suck it up and keep it moving? And please tell me WHY this seems to be an excuse for people to hurt me? "Vicki, you're a strong woman, you can handle it." Those words are like a death sentence...and I am so very tired of hearing them. No, I do not want to be a weak, spineless mess who can't take care of herself. But is there no middle ground? Where is the man who can be my strength when I am failing, who will always be there no matter what, to celebrate the ups and share the downs of life? Dear God, I take so much of my strength from you, and without you I know I am nothing. I know that you have someone special for me...can you please send him to me soon, as I don't know how much longer this woman can be this strong alone on this earth. Love.

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