Friday, September 24, 2010


I feel happy.

I do. For no real reason that I can pinpoint. Just life. Why do I feel like there should be a reason? That in order to be really happy (not just content), something specific has to happen to make it so? Am I really so used to NOT being happy, that it's inconceivable to me?

Yet I am. Sure, ok, I can think of a few reasons why...but nothing major. I've been getting out more, spending time with friends, making new friends, dating, I'm recovering from this injury and my body is getting stronger. I watched a dear friend marry the love of his life, and celebrated the event with people I love and consider family. But, I've also been working hard, long days, I'm not where I'd like to be in my career, I'm in pain quite often and this physical therapy is really hard. I've been hurt recently by a close friend who really took advantage of my kindness, and had to let that person go from my life. I could continue with a list of complaints...but at the end of the day, why bother? I guess I've just reached a point where I'm willing to accept life as it comes. I'm willing to let go of the bad moments, and hold on to the great ones. I'm willing to take each small victory as a step toward the big win. I'm willing to accept people as they are...and either celebrate what they bring to my life, or banish the ones who bring me nothing but pain or drama. I accept ME, as I am, for who I am, and for who I'm still becoming.

Maybe that's the real key to happiness...the ability and the willingness to let go and ALLOW yourself to be allow yourself to just BE. There is power inside you to achieve anything, if you only let yourself do it. Love.

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