Monday, October 11, 2010

Dating in the A

Is it just me....or is dating in Atlanta a little more difficult and frustrating than elsewhere? I don't know if it's the ratio of available, straight men to women, or if it's the "Hollywood" mentality, or simply just that Atlanta is a single person's city...all I know is it's damn hard!

The men here just seem to feel that it's okay to behave badly, because we don't have a lot of options. It seems they think it's acceptable to miss dates or phone calls, or disappear for days at a time, and then just say "I was busy" with no apology required. And we should be grateful they've called us at all! Please understand that I am not man-bashing...I definitely don't believe all men are dogs, etc etc. I realize that many women have enabled this type of behavior, by accepting bullshit on the premise that they must in order to keep a man in this market. Believing that if a man is relatively attractive and employed, they should be thankful to have him, and consequently shut the hell up. Ummmmm....NO. Guess what? I myself am relatively attractive and employed....among other more important qualities that should make a man feel lucky to have me in their life. I don't feel that I ask a lot, just basic courtesy and respect...keep your word, do what you say you will do (when you say you will do it), keep the lines of communication open and consistent, spend quality time, and above all- mutual respect. Am I asking too much? And is expressing my feelings and trying to discuss an issue really so very wrong? Sigh...I'm confused. What do YOU think? Feedback would be much appreciated!