Tuesday, April 28, 2015


What's happening in Baltimore makes me very angry...but it makes me even more sad. The state of humanity in America today truly frightens me. Every day I hear news that makes me glad I'm not raising a child into this world. It seems as if the only way we know how to behave is badly. I believe there are good, honest, people everywhere...be they civilian or government. We as a society are allowing those who are corrupt and evil way too much power and influence; to such a degree that we are becoming what we should be fighting against. When you allow hate to penetrate your heart and mind, you open yourself to the very traits you despise. We must be smarter than our enemies, we must be stronger-mentally and spiritually instead of physically. We must be strategic in thinking and planning for long-term, lasting results, instead of reacting in the moment in ways that can only set us back. I see so many posts on social media stating outrage over what are definitely horrific, unjust events...what I don't see on my timelines are any actions or solutions. I'm not saying that I have taken major steps to affect change myself, I'm saying that I know I can do more and that I know violence is not the answer. I know that giving racist assholes a reason to justify their actions is not the answer. Many times in my life I've learned how difficult it is to swallow anger and "be the better person", but I have learned that that is how I can achieve results. Every time I've reacted from a place of anger or hurt instead of rational thought, the results have been negative. 
Just my current thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree, I hope it makes you think. Peace and love as always.