Thursday, May 27, 2010

I've been home sick for three I'm going back to work today, ready or not. My body is stiff from inaction and my brain is mush from watching bad tv and reading murder mysteries. I need to be out in the world talking to someone other than the dog. What sucks is that two of those days were my regular days off-during which I accomplished none of the things I needed/should've/wanted to do. What does this mean? No groceries in the house, laundry waiting to be folded, carpet unvacuumed, errands unrun, and worst of all...NO FUN! I am craving fun like an alcoholic licking spilled tequila off a dirty carpet, like a weedhead asking a cop for a light, like a nympho....ok you get my point.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Society as a Teacher

Today I had two completely different discussions on twitter involving society and it's effect. One involved the "I don't care" attitude that so many share today; the other involved music and how it relates to religion. And they say twitter is just for entertainment value!

Both topics generated a lot of comments... which really made me think "are we a product of our society or is our society a reflection of us?". Hmmm...I think the answer is different for each individual.

What elements molded YOU? How much of who you are is due to your upbringing, and how much to what you were exposed to in society? Were your values instilled in you by your parents and the church (or whatever religious/spiritual doctrine you believe in)? Or were you molded by the general beliefs of your community? Did music, television or movies play a role? What about the media-do you blindly believe what is reported as fact, or question whether you are being told what the government and corporate America thinks you should know? Deeper than that, is your sense of self-worth based on image and material things, or the effect you have on the world? i.e. your effect on society? Are you aware of your own footprint? Do you even care?

As for me...I am most definitely a product of my upbringing, and the people and events that have populated my life. I did not have a perfect childhood, I was not raised in the most loving, nurturing environment. I did not come first in my parent's eyes. I was either abused and/or ignored for most of my later formative years. I acted out, ran away several times and eventually went to live with a friend and his parents. If not for them, I don't know what may have happened to me... but that's another story. I learned to stand on my own two feet, and to work hard and provide for myself. I learned to accept and love myself, and to believe that I deserved love and a good life.I learned how to love, and be a loyal friend. Those that care for me and help me, I love with a depth that is indescribable. I learned these things both despite and because of the actions of my family; so I have no choice but to forgive and thank them for helping me become the strong woman I am today.

I read to learn and as an escape from my reality. Some books gave me a view of a world that did not yet exist for me, they were a window into what could be. Some showed me that I was not alone, there were others with similar experiences. I wrote to express feelings and thoughts that if kept internalized would have destroyed me. I listened to music that soothed, inspired, and brought me joy. Many types of music, each caused different emotions; so many of my memories can be brought to mind simply by hearing a song. So yes, books and music helped make me who I am; you could even say they helped me make it through the storm. So how is it possible that I am not Godly if I listen to secular music? Not Godly if I read fiction as well as the Holy Bible?

Do you believe that listening to a certain type of music, watching certain television shows or movies, or reading certain books bring you away from God? Do you believe that being exposed to these things will cause you to behave a certain way? I don't, I believe that we all make choices in life. Just because I watch a movie where people do bad things, doesn't make me want to go out and do bad things. I know the difference between right and wrong, have known it since I was a small child.

So what is the answer? Do children today know the difference between right and wrong? Have we stopped teaching them that you should treat people with respect and kindness, and that there are consequences to their actions? Do we expect the school system to teach them this? Has "society" as a whole lost all accountability for our own actions, therefore rendering us incapable of instilling it in our youth? Are parents the only people responsible for this, or is it the community and the government? Do we allow television or music to "teach" our youth their values? Is the "I don't care" lazy attitude so prevalent that all hope is lost?

I don't think so. I see many people who live according to a basic set of principles and beliefs... love, honor, kindness, accountability, hard work and education. Not all of these people are religious or live in what society deems a conventional manner. Yet they are good people, people I admire and are proud to call friends.

What do YOU think?


I would love to be able to say that my blog will be full of meaningful, profound, life changing prose. However, that would be misleading! Some days maybe it will be, others it may be pure fuckery or just a venue for me to vent. All I can promise is it will be a true representation of Vicki...nothing more, nothing less. I promise to be as honest as humanly possible. I am asking in return that anyone who honors me by reading return the favor...please comment-let me know what you think or feel, if I touch you in a positive or negative way, or just to say "hi, I was here".